EASILY Grab Her Number Through AIM, MSN, or Any Instant Messaging Program.

Posted by : Papucho | Wednesday, February 3, 2010 | Published in

Is getting a phone number from a REALLY hot chick on MSN/AIM hard? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Escalating a conversation from instant messenger to a phone conversation is so easy if you know what you’re doing. This is what I call “The Broken Thumb” routine. So you’re talking to a girl... the conversation is going well and you are receiving a ton of online IOI’s from her. You can just tell she’s interested... how do you get her number? Say this at the beginning of your conversation... “Wow, this hurts SO much to type right now... ugh.” She’ll ask you why... then say... “I sprained my thumb playing basketball today... but whatever, it was worth it. I was the hero at the game. ;)” Then continue the conversation... When you receive the set amount of online IOI’s, then drop the BOMB! “Gah! My thumb is REALLY killing me now. So sick of typing... but hey I have to ask you something! Give me your phone number so my thumb doesn’t fall off...” Works every time... ;) I have a ton of these routines and more... I even share my concise game plan on how to talk to these girls on the phone... and eventually get in her BED with you... completely naked! Go check it! Click Here!

Can You Use The Infamous 'Poke' Button On Facebook To Pickup Chicks?

Posted by : Papucho | | Published in

A lot of guys ask me… Can I poke a girl on Facebook to start a conversation? Here’s the short answer… NO! Sure, it’s a cool little tool to use on your friends… but for picking up beautiful women you barely know or don’t know AT ALL on Facebook? Not a chance! Poking a girl (or cyber hugging, kissing, etc.) is pretty much useless… I mean… beautiful girls probably get poked more than the Pillsbury Dough Boy on Facebook! And just as often, they press the “remove” button to get rid of those annoying pokes from desperate guys. I saw one of my hot girlfriend’s Facebook account and my jaw dropped. She literally had dozens and dozens of guys poking her on a regular basis. Her e-mail account was filled with notices of guys she didn’t know poking her. “I don’t even have time to get rid of those!” she tells me… boy, was she annoyed! Poking a girl isn’t unique or funny… nor does it convey any value or induce any amount of attraction. Really… nothing beats a good, solid, well-thought first message that conveys a LOT of value without sounding too cocky or arrogant… and that COMPELS her to message you back. Typically, especially on Facebook, this can be tough. At least girls on online dating websites ARE looking for guys… But surprisingly, building rapport with a good-looking chick on Facebook is easier than you think! There are a few key ingredients in a first message that you really need to have. Listen carefully, here… because the first message is probably going to the most important message... or definitely one of the most important. One of the key ingredients that your first message needs to have is a strong purpose. No, telling a girl that you barely know on Facebook that she’s cute isn’t a STRONG purpose. It’s a rather weak one. And no… asking her to “webcam” with you isn’t going to work, either! Too many guys do that. It’s way creepy if you haven’t figured that one out yet… A strong purpose can range from a very intriguing open-ended question to a silly little remark regarding her profile picture. No, a question like “How are you?” just won’t cut it. That may work in real life if you convey strong body language, but online, it must be much deeper… more thoughtful. You really need to know how to push her curiosity buttons. You need to make her WANT to message you back. I mean, you can even make a sly little judgment about her… something like… “Hey, you look like you’re on Facebook ALL the time…” This will make her want to message you back. She doesn’t want you thinking that she’s a computer nerd that has no life… so she’s going to be compelled to message you back and correct your initial perception of her. Really, it’s quite a simple mechanism that you can exploit. Oh yeah, and remember… spelling and grammar is always important. If you want to have all the tools to build rapport with girls on Facebook FAST, you have to check out my brand new course that I just released that tells guys, step-by-step, exactly how to pickup beautiful girls on Facebook. You’ll never have to leave the house again to pickup girls… not that you SHOULD do that... but at least you’ll know how to. For the days you’re feeling lazy and you wanna get laid… So go ahead and check out! Click Here!

Attention All Facebook And MySpace Users... Transform Your Computer Into a Seduction Machine!

Posted by : Papucho | | Published in

So I’ve been sitting here for the last 7 minutes in awe. Why? Well, I’ve been looking at Facebook’s latest user-base statistics… and let me tell you something. They are absolutely staggering. As of right now…there are approximately over SIXTY-FIVE MILLION ACTIVE USERS! Now, I don’t have to say this…but I’m going to anyways. This is a bloody gold mine for picking up women. But I’ll get to that a bit later… I can’t even begin to imagine how hot those Facebook servers are running… because that is outrageous. Not only is their user-base absurd, but their growth has been just as despicable; 250, 000 new users every single day that passes…3% weekly growth…doubling in size every 6 months. Whew. Apparently, according to this data, no one uses Facebook. End sarcasm! We live in an era where almost everyone has one of these little accounts. It’s almost borderline necessary to have one of these accounts if you want to function “normally” in society… and I’ll prove it to you. Let me tell you about one of my good buddies. His name was Andrew… and I bet everyone knows a guy like Andrew. He HATED the whole Facebook/MySpace movement, claiming that he would never…ever…get a Facebook account. And yeah…when something is as ridiculously popular as Facebook, there are bound to be a good handful of downright HATERS. But let’s face it. Whether you’re a Facebook junkie (…logging into your account every single day to check your wall posts and send out a few “pokes”) or just someone who absolutely despises the social-networking movement, you can’t deny the fact that it’s becoming an integral part in social dynamics. I mean…you can keep in touch with people you would usually NEVER talk to anymore, not to mention strengthening the relationships you currently have... you get invited to more interesting “events”… you get to see what all your friends are up to at any given moment… and you get to meet some pretty neat people if you try! But anyways… back to Andrew. He started to feel like his social-circle was leaving him. No, his friends didn’t stop talking to him because he didn’t have a Facebook account, but you could tell – he just didn’t have as many friends as everyone else did. He didn’t get invited to as many birthday party bashes or going away parties. He just didn’t get to know as many people… You might be thinking…well, maybe Andrew is just a loser! He wasn’t. He was a pretty good-looking dude with a good head on his shoulders. However, it was easy to see that he was a little more “disconnected” from society. And you know what? After Andrew moved back to Toronto a week ago… even I lost contact with him. Sad, isn’t it? With some of your “not so close” friends, you almost have to RELY on another communications medium to keep in contact with them… that’s what Facebook’s for. We might as well make the most of it then. So how am I going to tie this in with girls? Easy. Think about all the beautiful, gorgeous women that are on Facebook. It’s not a “nerds only” exclusive fan club anymore. THERE ARE SOME INSANELY BEAUTIFUL WOMEN ON HERE! But some of you are thinking… yeah… but it’s SO easy to be labeled a “creep” if I message one of them. I thought that too until I got to know some of the most prestigious and elite “online pickup artists” known to man. Let me put it this way. If you know what you’re doing and you set up your Facebook/MySpace profile properly, picking up women on these websites is easy as PIE. I can teach you this precise method. And let me tell you it is NOT the same as how you would approach a woman in real life… there are no “multiple threads” or typical “DHV” spikes (Demonstration of Higher Value) like you all may be familiar with. Doing so can get your account reported or banned for harassment. Ouch. So do you want to learn some secrets on how to attract, meet, and seduce these beautiful women? You can get started by learning how to tweak your profile so you won’t look like another average chump on the internet… visit www.OnlinePickupSecrets.com. You can sign up for my free e-course on how to attract women with just written language. I also teach some fatal mistakes all men do when talking to women online! Don’t get left out. So get with the times! The laws of attraction have always been the same, but there is a new and easier way to use them. Click here and find out how

3 Facebook/MySpace Profile MISTAKES That Scare Women Away!

Posted by : Papucho | | Published in

Let me tell you a girl’s biggest fear when talking to guys online... They fear… the “CREEP”. You know the guys I’m talking about. The one’s that are just weird looking. They look like they don’t have any friends. They look like they haven’t been laid in forever. The ones that just look like complete and total STALKERS. And you wonder why online dating for them is so difficult? Some guys just put things in their profiles that make them look like future rapists. Gross! So here are six things that they’re doing wrong… Here’s profile blunder #1. 1.) They have only a few or NO pictures at all. Imagine being a good looking girl and you receive a message from some dude that has NO picture. Are you kidding? What is that guy thinking? And sorry… one or two pictures doesn’t cut it either. You really need to have a plethora of pictures that convey high value… if you don’t, you’re out of the picture entirely. 2.) If you use Facebook or MySpace… don’t put yourself as “single”. This may be counter-intuitive, but by putting yourself as single, you make the remark that you “are trying”. See what I mean? Plus it eliminates the mystery. You want to make the girl wonder… “Is he single or not?” 3.) Last but not least… PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMAR! You think that really hot chick is going to want to reply to you if your profile is riddled with spelling errors? I’m not saying that your profile content has to be at the level of Shakespeare’s, but check your writing! Use a spell checker if you have to. SHOW that you are intelligent. So there you go, guys! Avoid these blunders at all costs. Check out my other articles or check out my FULL system here!

3 Criticals Error When Talking To Women Online. You're Probably Doing One Of Them Right Now!

Posted by : Papucho | | Published in

So… you’re on your favorite dating site… or maybe you’re on Facebook… And there she is. The girl that catches your attention. But what do you do? Let me tell you what 99% of guys do… they’ll message them and say something really generic like… “Hey! How’s it going! You look really interesting and I was wondering if you would like to chat sometime! Hit me back!” Or… “Wow, you’re gorgeous. I bet you have all the guys out there hitting on you… but hopefully this message will get through to you because I would really like to treat you out sometime!” Or… “I’m the nicest guy ever if you give me the chance! You should hit me back!” I don’t care if you believe me – but it’s true.

I guarantee you the success rate of some of these generic messages are about near 1% if you’re lucky. And that’s if you have a really nice profile… So what’s the magic formula? Well for starters…I did mention this before… you need for PERFECT YOUR PROFILE before you get started. Don’t message ANYONE until your online dating profile is perfect! What do I mean by this? You need to get the right pictures and right content in your profile. An attractive girl will not message you back if you have NO picture and just the most generic responses in your profile content. Picture yourself from a girl’s perspective… you see some guy message you on some dating website and he has NO pictures… can you say creep? What kind of pictures do you need to include? Typically speaking, you need to include pictures that convey value – but not in the way you’re thinking of… I’ll get to that a bit later. The second thing you need to do is READ HER PROFILE.

Too many guys fail to personalize the first message, which is critical. There are too many cut and paste messages out there. An attractive girl gets as many as fifty messages a day! Do you think she’s going to have time to read all of them? Absolutely not. You need something that catches their attention…the easiest way to do this is to personalize your message! More on this later… Finally, the third thing most guys do is… write way too damn much! Keep the message SHORT! Again, you need to appear like a non-creepy and non-needy guy. Again, imagine being an attractive girl… and you literally receive a full-fledged NOVEL! How weird is that to her? You barely know her and already you’re willing to invest a massive amount of time for her? She doesn’t deserve that yet. I give you all the tips you need on my website! So you’re in luck. Go check them out right now at Click Here!